New nanometer scale superparamagnetic polymer particles
Within a BMWi-sponsored R&D project, microParticles GmbH now succeeded in developing monodisperse superparamagnetic polystyrene particles (PS-MAG) with 400 and 600 nm in diameter. The particles are of spherical shape and have C.V. values ≤5 %. Thus, they distinctively differ from competing products currently available in the market. Due to their high iron oxide contents of approx. 50 wt.-%, the particles show an excellent superparamagnetic behavior. Our magnetic beads are available as plain, non-functionalized species as well as with COOH-modified surfaces. The COOH-surface functionalities are suitable for the coupling of proteins or other NH2-containing molecules. Hence, also streptavidin-modified particles (PS-MAG-SA) do belong to our product portfolio. The binding capacity with this type of beads is in the range of 3000 – 4000 pmol FITC-biotin per mg. In the near future microParticles GmbH will be able to offer its customers also monodisperse nominal 200 nm and 300 nm superparamagnetic PS particles.