microParticles GmbH, Volmerstr. 9A, UTZ, Geb.3.5.1, D-12489 Berlin, Phone: +49 30-6392 2565 Fax: +49 30-6392 2555
New Monodisperse Streptavidin-coated Melamine Resin Particles

New Monodisperse Streptavidin-coated Melamine Resin Particles

Streptavidin-biotin system: Binding of biomolecules to the particle surface
Nominal 5 µm streptavidin-coated melamine resin particles, labelled with FITC-biotin

New Monodisperse Streptavidin-coated Melamine Resin Particles

Intensive resarch activities of microParticles GmbH led to new monodisperse melamine resin particles functionalized with streptavidin. The introduced particles are meant to be used in streptavidin-biotin technology (see Fig. 1). Main features of our monodisperse melamine resin particles are high sphericity and colloidal stability in an wide pH range. Additionally, the particles possess a hydrophilic surface and high mechanical stability. The covalent binding of streptavidin to the particles is accomplished via COOH groups, located on the particle surface (carbodiimide procedure). The sucessful streptavidin functionalization of the particle surfaces was shown by labelling with FITC-biotin (see Fig. 2). Currently, we offer nominal 1 µm and 5 µm streptavidin-coated melamine resin particles. Other particle diameters within the range of 0.5-10 µm can be prepared upon request. Furthermore, we investigate streptavidin labelling of other polymer beads, such as polystyrene (PS), polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA), or silica particles. These products will be available soon.

microParticles GmbH, Volmerstr. 9A, UTZ, Geb.3.5.1, D-12489 Berlin, Phone: +49 30-6392 2565 Fax: +49 30-6392 2555

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