microParticles GmbH, Volmerstr. 9A, UTZ, Geb.3.5.1, D-12489 Berlin, Phone: +49 30-6392 2565 Fax: +49 30-6392 2555
Melamine resin nanoparticles

Melamine resin nanoparticles

SEM image of MF nanoparticles, diameter 540 nm

Melamine resin nanoparticles

microParticles GmbH presents new monodisperse melamine resin (MF) nanometer particles. These research beads are currently available in the size range from 300 to 1000 nm. They are manufactured as either non-modified or fluorescently-labeled species. Other product characteristics are:

  • Narrow particle size distribution.
  • Spherical particles with smooth surface.
  • High thermal, chemical and mechanical stability.
  • Absolutely stable in all solvents, no swelling or shrinking upon contact with organic media.

Upon request, the new particles can be carboxyl-modified and are suitable that way for covalent coupling of proteins and other ligands.

microParticles GmbH, Volmerstr. 9A, UTZ, Geb.3.5.1, D-12489 Berlin, Phone: +49 30-6392 2565 Fax: +49 30-6392 2555

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