microParticles GmbH, Volmerstr. 9A, UTZ, Geb.3.5.1, D-12489 Berlin, Phone: +49 30-6392 2565 Fax: +49 30-6392 2555

Expanded Line of NIST-traceable Particle Size Standards


Expanded Line of NIST-traceable Particle Size Standards

With the beginning of 2006, microParticles GmbH offers its customers a considerably expanded line of NIST-traceable nanoscale particle size standards. Designed especially for quality assurance and calibration purposes in a variety of particle sizing instruments, the nanometer size standards possess the following features:

  • Polymer matrix polystyrene (density: 1.05 g/cc; refractive index: 1.59).
  • Extremely narrow size distribution (C.V.
  • High colloidal stability in aqueous dispersions.

The newly available 15 size standards within the diameter range from 100 nm through 1000 nm have been characterized by a high resolution CPS disc centrifuge (DC-24000), photon correlation spectroscopy (PCS), and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). All particle size standards come as 2 % aqueous suspensions in 10 or 15 ml dropper-tipped bottles together with a Certificate of Analysis containing also selected physical data and a graph of the size distribution, and an appropriate Material Safety Data Sheet. Of course our mirometer sized standards remain available to our customers as before.

microParticles GmbH, Volmerstr. 9A, UTZ, Geb.3.5.1, D-12489 Berlin, Phone: +49 30-6392 2565 Fax: +49 30-6392 2555

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