microParticles GmbH, Volmerstr. 9A, UTZ, Geb.3.5.1, D-12489 Berlin, Phone: +49 30-6392 2565 Fax: +49 30-6392 2555

About us

The Research- and technology-oriented microParticles GmbH is located in the City of Science, Technology, and Media in Berlin-Adlershof Germany and is specialized in the development and manufacture of multifunctional, monodisperse organic and inorganic nano- and microparticles.

After two decades of R&D at the Academy of Sciences, the chemist Dr Karl Heinz Lerche founded the microParticles GmbH in 1997.

With a highly qualified team of scientists, engineers, and technicians the company now accumulates more than 30 years of expertise in the fields of colloid-, polymer-, and synthetic chemistry, in particle technology as well as in surface functionalization and characterization of chemically different particle types.

Among our world-wide customers are chemical and pharmaceutical companies as well as corporations of the cosmetics sector, medical diagnostics and particle measurement instrumentation firms, universities, and numerous non-university research institutions.

For a broad range of applications in research and industry, high-quality monodisperse poly(styrene), poly(methyl methacrylate), and silica microspheres are available throughout a wide diameter range. Patented processes for the manufacture of monodisperse melamine resin particles and recent developments based on silica-hybrid and poly(vinyl acetate/vinyl alcohol) materials make microParticles GmbH the market leader for these innovative lines of products.

In addition to the products from its wide portfolio, microParticles GmbH also offers analytical services and contract research.

microParticles GmbH’s quality management system was first registered by TÜV Rheinland in 2003 and has been continuously certified according to DIN EN ISO 9001:2015 ever since.

microParticles GmbH, Volmerstr. 9A, UTZ, Geb.3.5.1, D-12489 Berlin, Phone: +49 30-6392 2565 Fax: +49 30-6392 2555

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